Weekday spiritual workout routines for busy men

Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.


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We all want to keep in good physical shape and know that keeping so requires a proper diet and a regular exercise routine.  Some of us go to the gym and even have a trainer who organizes our routines to meet specific goals.  We make time for keeping in shape because we know it is important.

In the same way, it is important to stay in spiritual good shape.  If you feel, as many men do, that you are overcommitted, overworked, and overwhelmed, then you need a simple plan, already mapped out, that will produce results.

I have created what I call a Virtual Spiritual Gym.
In this gym, workout routines are a click or two away.

I will be your personal trainer, showing up with a spiritual workout routine that meets your specific learning style, spiritual needs and time limitations.

Are you ready to get in the best spiritual shape of your life?

Get unlimited free access now to the Cross Fitness Virtual Gym.